
75% of Marketers Still Need to Master Understanding of Data

Written by Ani Matson | Mar 12, 2022 1:18:49 AM

We’ve talked about big data, data science and still the challenge I see more often with clients is a lack of education and training on data analysis and analytics.

An Econsultancy/Google survey points out that 75% of marketers agree that lack of education/training on data analysis and analytics is the biggest barrier to making more key business decisions based on data insights.

Why? Hard to believe that in 2018 we’re still behind at bringing our teams up to speed.

We all know that good data is usable, clean, organized, secure and understandable.

Here are some pointers that have helped me work with data more effectively:

  • Use clear definitions and common metrics across the organization when talking about the different touchpoints in the customer journey.
  • Free data from silos. Expand boundaries of data flows and review what really needs to be secure and what doesn’t.
  • Encourage and pay for marketing teams to take data science courses. There are so many options online through Coursera or General Assembly. (create a list of my recommendations for data science classes.)
  • Make sure the team has the right technology stack to be able to act, experiment and learn.

It’s a great time to be a marketer with all the data analytics tools available that make it easy to understand customers and respond relevantly along the way.